On May 29th, Felix Jermann, the fifth generation of the Jermann Winery, will be joining us from Italy to host an exquisite wine dinner. He will be pouring wines from the family estate in Friuli, featuring both local and international varietals.
The evening will begin with canapes and an aperitif wine in the lounge. Guests will then move into the beautiful private dining area where they will enjoy a 5-course celebration from executive chef Mark McLoughlin,
masterfully paired with the some of Italy’s finest wines.


Five-Course Dinner – $189.00 plus tax & gratuity


Wednesday, May 29th | 5:30pm

Join us to welcome guest host Alojz Felix Jermann, fifth generation of the Jermann family. Alojz was raised in the hills and vineyards of Friuli. He says his connection to Italian wine culture has been so extensive and natural, it’s woven deep in his character.

“My family immersed me in the Italian countryside where nature and vineyards were an intrinsic part of my life,” Felix says. “I feel a very strong bond to my family’s land and I understand all that it takes to produce quality grapes. Everything that was important to our family happened around the winery.”

Jermann Estates produces outstanding icon wines that remain down to earth. Behind the glamour is an intimate relationship with the land and a deep commitment to produce unique, award-winning wines.



Daily from 5pm